1. First Antiphon [0:04:39]
2. Second Antiphon [0:02:42]
3. Third Antiphon [0:06:02]
4. Little Entrance [0:01:52]
5. Trisagion [0:03:39]
6. Great Entrance(Hymn of the Cherubim) [0:07:08]
7. Litany of Supplication [0:03:59]
8. Creed [0:05:50]
9. Eucharistie Prayer [0:06:51]
10. We praise Thee [0:03:41]
11. Hymn to the Mother of God [0:03:12]
12. Lord's Prayer [0:05:21]
13. And with thy Spirit/One is Holy [0:02:24]
14. Communion Hymn [0:01:59]
15. Communion of the Faithful [0:02:23]
16. Let our mouths be filled [0:05:32]
17. Blessed be the Name [0:00:41]
18. Glory [0:03:05]